Easy Ways to Keep Yourself Healthy as Sickness Spreads the Globe
With the surge of Covid-19, the flu season, and even the common cold heading around the world right now, it’s easy to think you’re destined to contract something. In addition to washing your hands and social distancing, there are more ways you can help your body fight off viruses and other infections that make their way into your community.
1.Eat more citrus
Did you know humans are one of the only mammals that don’t have the ability to synthesize Vitamin C? We have to obtain it from our diet. While Vitamin C plays an important role in many chemical reactions in our body, it’s so important in keeping us from getting sick because it’s a powerful antioxidant. Stock up on oranges, lemons, and grapefruits if you want to keep your body safe and healthy!
2. Don’t smoke
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smokers are generally less healthy than non-smokers. Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, many of which can affect your body’s ability to fight off sicknesses. Smoking throws off the equilibrium of your immune system, so if you’re trying to stay healthy avoid both first-hand and second-hand smoke.
3.Get more sleep
Getting sleep is so important because when we sleep our bodies produce and release cytokines. Cytokines fight infection and inflammation in our body and essentially trigger our body’s immune responses. When you’re stressed about getting sick, it can be hard to maintain a healthy sleeping schedule. Many people will use bright light therapy devices to help wake up in the mornings and fall asleep at night.
4.Manage your stress
Stress is your body’s biological response to an actual or perceived threat. We’re always going to have stress in our lives, but managing it is an important part of fighting off illness. Chronic stress can lower your body’s ability to regulate inflammatory responses. You can manage stress by avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine, getting more sleep, meditating, or exercising!
5.Raise your Vitamin D
Low levels of Vitamin D have been linked to higher infection rates. As we’ve discovered, things like smoking, sleepless nights, and stress, can throw off your immune system’s balance and make it harder to stave off infections. Vitamin D helps your body trigger an immune response to infections, so lower levels make it more likely you’ll get sick this season.
It is estimated that 1 billion people worldwide are Vitamin D deficient. At Sperti, we’re passionate about providing a natural solution to low Vitamin D levels. Our Sperti Vitamin D Sunlamp is proven to help raise Vitamin D levels in just 5 minutes every other day.
What are some ways you’re keeping healthy?