Our Privacy Policy is simple. We do not sell, trade, share, or give away our customers personal information. Your name, address, phone, and email address is all considered your personal information, and we will never share, give, sell, or trade away this data. We respect your privacy.
Your e-mail address: It is important that you do provide a correct/valid email address when you submit an order. This is part of our verification process with you, and ensures that we can communicate with you and send you vital information such as your order confirmation and your shipment’s tracking number. We will not share, give, trade, or sell your email address to anyone.
If you have any questions or concerns you are welcome to contact us at 800-544-3757 or send us an email to: sales@sperti.com.
Also, when you order here at SPERTI.com you are ordering factory direct from the manufacturer. It is a two party, safe & secure transaction between you the customer and the Sperti Factory (KBD Inc. – Sperti Sunlamps). There are no third parties, KBD/Sperti will charge your credit card and ship your unit directly to you. Your order & associated product warranty will automatically be registered with us at Sperti.
Thank you.
More information related to your privacy:
Credit Card Security, Encryption, Using Professional Services.
Our website and shopping cart are professionally hosted by Digital Ocean and their partners. We process your card securely using industry leading APIs powered by Authorize.net. We secure all web transactions via industry level SSL encryption provided by Let’s Encrypt. Unless you call-in your order to us, we at Sperti never see your full credit card number, only the last 4 digits for order verification. Your shopping experience is encrypted and professionally handled. You can feel safe shopping at Sperti.com.
The ‘secure’ url address bar at the top of your screen will begin with either http: or https:
Regular information pages will begin with http: and then if you’ve selected an item to buy & proceed to checkout you will notice the url address bar now readshttps: the s representing ‘secure’
That’s just the first step of security, how your data is handled and who handles it after you securely enter it is more important. By using major e-commerce store providers like Authorize.net, WooCommerce, and Let’s Encrypt SSL (among others) we let the professionals handle security, and you as the customer don’t have to worry about your personal data being carelessly handled with substandard security. At Sperti we let the top professionals securely handle all vital data.