An Evaluation of the Vitamin D Sunlamp

An Evaluation of the Sperti Vitamin D Sunlamp - By Dr. Garland

To Whom It May Concern

I was provided a chance to review and evaluate the Sperti Vitamin D Lamp. This lamp fulfills a crying need for a medical device that is appropriate for people who need to raise the vitamin D level in their blood.  This is specifically the 25-hydroxyvitamin D level.  It is my opinion this level should be at least 50 ng/ml in everyone age 9 years and older.  This will foster early prevention of many diseases, according to epidemiological research published in the biomedical scientific literature.  These include pathological bone fractures, stress fractures of the feet in military recruits, osteomalcia, osteoporosis, and fractures related to these disorders, cancers of the breast, colon, ovary, endometrium, kidney, bladder, leukemia, and multiple myeloma. They also include Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes in persons of normal weight and multiple sclerosis if vitamin D adequacy is maintained throughout infancy through age 15 years. Oral supplementation with vitamin D3 helps prevent  some cancers and other disorders related to inadequate vitamin D3 or its metabolites. But there is evidence that suggests that endogenous vitamin D3 photosynthesized may have an independent preventive benefit.  One possibility is that endogenously photosynthesized vitamin D3 ir its metabolites are stored very effectively in the skin, and released to the circulation when most needed.  Another albeit less studied possibility is that there are photoproducts in skin exposed to ordinary sunlight or simulated sunlight that potentiate the preventive action of vitamin D3.  

At least 95% of North Americans do not have high enough levels of 25(OH)D, specifically, 40-60 ng/ml, that is needed to prevent most of the serious diseases listed above. Common lower levels between 20 and 39 ng/ml are enough to prevent rickets and osteomalacia, but not to reduce the risk and death rates of breast and colon cancer, urinary system cancers. Type 1 diabetes, many presentations of Type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and several other very serious diseases.

This is the sole lamp that I have found that is specifically designed and constructed to synthesize vitamin D in the skin. Virtually every home in the US and Canada  should have a vitamin D lamp with 5-minute timer and family members should use it throughout the winter months. The Sperti Vitamin D lamp with 5-minute timer is an excellent example of such a lamp.
Cedric F. Garland, Dr.P.H., F.A.C.E.
Fellow American College of Epidemiology
Co-Discoverer with Drs Frank Garland and Edward Gorham of the beneficial effect of solar ultraviolet B and vitamin D3 on fatal cancers of the female breast, colon and other sites