Vitamin D Info & Links

Vitamin D Info, Links, & More

GrassrootsHealth’s Mission

GrassrootsHealth is a nonprofit public health research organization dedicated to moving public health messages regarding vitamin D from research into practice. It has a panel of 48 senior vitamin D researchers from around the world contributing to its operations. GrassrootsHealth is currently running the D*action field trial to solve the vitamin D deficiency epidemic worldwide. Under the D*action umbrella, there are also targeted programs for breast cancer prevention and a ‘Protect Our Children NOW!’ program to stop vitamin D deficiency where it starts, in utero.

– Click here to visit


Are you deficient in Vitamin D?

You can safely test your vitamin D blood level at home and help contribute to valuable research. – Click here to learn more!

Our friends at Grassroots Health have a Vitamin D testing kit available, and they are currently offering you the ability to participate in a national vitamin d research project. Kits are sent directly to your home, and include a finger-prick blood spot test that can be mailed back to Grassroots Health (GRH) for processing. Test kits cost $60 to $70, depending on the subscription you choose.

Michael F. Holick, Ph.D, M.D.
The Leading Authority on Vitamin D.

Michael F. Holick, Ph.D., M.D. is Professor of Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics; Director of the General Clinical Research Unit; and Director of the Bone Health Care Clinic and the Director of the Heliotherapy, Light, and Skin Research Center at Boston University Medical Center.

Dr. Holick’s popular books on Vitamin D are available at, Barnes & Noble, and more.

See also Dr. Holick’s official website:

Click here for more advanced scientific data on Vitamin D visit The National Biotechnology Center for Information.

Some frequently asked questions about sunshine’s UV rays and vitamin D:

1) Will sitting next to a sunny window indoors boost your Vitamin D levels?

Answer: No, most windows block the UVB rays (shorter wave) that generate Vitamin D naturally.

Details: Common windows allow much of the UVA rays (longer wave) to pass through which makes tanning possible, but there is not Vitamin D generated. – Note: Some modern construction is using glass that blocks all UV rays. Car windshields are made to block both UVA and UVB.

2) Can I overdose on Vitamin D from too much sunlight or sunlamp?

Answer: No, the natural ultraviolet light way of getting vitamin d will not do this. Overexposure can cause sunburn, but not vitamin d overdose. Our units all have automatic shut-off timers to help prevent the possibility of sunburn. And with supplements: it’s rare, but you can get overdose toxicity with ‘supplements’ which you can read about online with a simple article search. Also, some have gastrointestinal issues with supplements.

3) How does natural Vitamin D synthesis from UVB rays work?

Answer:  We have an info page with graphics to explain – click here.

4) Is getting Vitamin D from UVB rays (sunshine or Vitamin D sunlamp) different than taking a supplement pill?

“Not only does sunlight make vitamin D but also beta-endorphin, which makes you feel better,” Dr. Holick tells Newsmax Health. “There’s also nitric oxide, which can lower blood pressure, and a host of other substances that you would never get just by taking a supplement.”

Sun exposure can also help regulate circadian rhythm, lower blood pressure, ease depression, boost the immune system, and even reduce the risk of certain cancers, notes Dr. Holick, who recommends about five to ten minutes of unprotected exposure a day. – Source: NewsmaxHealth, by Gary Greenberg.

Popular Vitamin D News:

Click here to view the full report and ANALYSIS of our KBD D/UV-F Vitamin D Lamp

All questions are welcome:
Toll-Free within the USA: 800-544-3757