Shipping Time


Shipping time will vary depending on the location of the recipient, however, we usually have a pretty good idea of how long the shipping process should take.

All new orders ship within 1 business day. If your sunlamp is being shipped inside the US, it will go through UPS Ground (unless we are shipping to a PO Box which will go USPS). Once these orders are shipped, it usually takes about 3-5 business days for you to receive it.

International orders are shipped through UPS. When placing your order, you will have multiple shipping options to choose from. The shipping time will vary depending on which shipping method is selected. Once the item has shipped, it could take anywhere from 5-14 days for you to receive it. This number can change, depending on how long the item is held at customs.

When you place an order on our website, we will email you a tracking number within 24 hours of it being shipped – with this tracking number you will be able to see an estimated date of delivery. If that date has passed and you have not received your shipment or if it looks like your package has been stuck at one location for a long period of time, give our office a call and we will be able to file a claim with the carrier service. *If you do not see an email with the tracking number within 24 hours, please make sure to check your spam folder.*

Our toll free phone number is: 800-544-3757 and our local number is: 702-473-9411

Please note that during the holiday season, UPS and USPS have a high volume of packages and it may take 1-2 days longer that normal to receive your shipment.
