
How to Use a Vitamin D Lamp


The Sperti Vitamin D Lamp is the only FDA recognized vitamin D lamp on the market. It is really easy to use and it only takes 5 minutes every other day to raise your vitamin D levels!

It is important to read the instruction booklet before starting use of your Vitamin D Lamp. Here is a brief overview on how to use it:

  • Once the unit is plugged into a working outlet, you simply need to set the timer and flip the on/off switch in order to turn the light on.
  • For the first week, you will only use the lamp for one 3 minute session every other day. The second week you can increase to one 4 minute session every other day.
  • After your body has had time to adjust to the light, you can start using it for the full 5 minute sessions every other day.
  • It is best to rotate the exposure site to help avoid over exposing one area. Example: Week one you can target the light on your stomach. Week 2 you can target the light on your back. Week 3 you can target the light on your legs.

When you follow the instructions, it can take a few months to see a major change in your vitamin D levels. It is best to obtain a gradual rise in your levels in order to avoid any skin irritation. However, a slight pinking of the skin is perfectly normal and just means that the light is working.
