
Who’s At Risk For Vitamin D Deficiency?


Anyone can develop a Vitamin D deficiency; it is actually very common. While it is very treatable, it is still something that you want to avoid.

Some people are more at risk for having a Vitamin D deficiency than others. People that are more at risk are:

  • The elderly and women – the older we get, the quicker we lose bone density. With weaker bones, we need more Vitamin D to help our bodies attain calcium. When we lose bone density, we are more at risk for serious injuries that can lead to death. Women are more effected than men due to an increased rate of bone density loss after menopause.
  • Dark skin tone – with a darker skin tone, your skin is more resistant to the sun. People with dark skin don’t usually get sunburns, which is great, but that also means that your skin is not absorbing UVB (which are the rays that give us Vitamin D) as well as someone with lighter skin.
  • Family history of deficiency – if your body doesn’t process and/or absorb Vitamin D well, it could be genetic. If someone in your family has dealt with Vitamin D deficiency in the past, you are more likely develop it too.
  • Kidney problems – the kidneys play a big role in processing activated Vitamin D for your body to absorb. If your organs are weakened, they might not be able to deliver the appropriate amounts of vitamins that your body needs.
  • Obese – when someone is overweight, fat cells start to extract Vitamin D from the blood which hinders it’s absorption into your body.
  • Staying indoors – the sun plays a very important role when it comes to keeping our bodies happy and healthy. Not only do we get Vitamin D from the sun, but it also helps create a chemical reaction in the brain which gives us energy and boosts our mood. Not going outside can cause depression along with many other health problems.
