How Vitamin D Prevents Ailments


Vitamin D is one of a number of substances that cannot be directly produced by the body alone. Instead, Vitamin D requires that we either consume it in our diets or receive adequate exposure to sunlight in order to allow our skin cells to convert substances into it

Thus, it is not surprising to find that 41% of adults are deficient in Vitamin D. This can create a number of problems as Vitamin D is important for preventing a wide variety of ailments due to its importance in the normal functioning of the body. Let’s take a look at the role of Vitamin D in the body and how it prevents a variety of problems and conditions.

Reduced Risk of Illnesses

We all know that our immune system is important for keeping us protected from foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria. For our immune system to function efficiently, it needs to be able to detect these invaders and send an immune response to eliminate them. Vitamin D serves to help regulate the overall functioning of a healthy immune system.

In fact, Vitamin D has been found to be particularly effective against influenza. Researchers have studied whether vitamin D deficiency resulted in higher incidences of the flu. Having adequate levels of Vitamin D is important for preventing flu and other illnesses.

Bone Health

One of the most notable ways in which Vitamin D is important relates directly to the health of bones. There are a number of reasons for this. First, Vitamin D is incredibly important for the regulation of calcium within your body. Secondly, it helps your body to maintain healthy levels of phosphorus in the blood. Additionally, Vitamin C stimulates the intestines to absorb more calcium and helps reclaim calcium that would otherwise be eliminated by the kidneys. These things are incredibly important for bone health.

This is particularly an area of concern for older adults who are at risk of developing conditions such as osteoporosis and osteomalacia. These can result in bones becoming soft, brittle, and risk fracturing. Ensuring a healthy amount of Vitamin D is particular effective for older adults, meaning that UVB sunlamps can be important tools for their bone health.

Mental Health

While most discussions of aspects of nutrition turn to things like physical health, Vitamin D is also very important for promoting mental health. Research has found it to be involved in helping the body to regulate moods. In fact, individuals diagnosed with depression saw improvement in their symptoms when they had adequate amounts of Vitamin D.

Benefits were also shown in terms of those with anxiety. A study of patients with fibromyalgia found that those with vitamin D deficiency had much higher rates of anxiety as well as depression than did those with adequate levels of Vitamin D.

Children’s Health

Vitamin D is integral to healthy children. It is well known that a lack of Vitamin D in children can lead to the development of rickets, a condition where inefficient levels of calcium lead to softening of bones. However, there are a number of other ways were Vitamin D benefit children.

Research from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology found that low levels of Vitamin D led to higher allergic responses to substances while other research found children with lower levels of Vitamin D were more likely to develop allergies. It has also been found that Vitamin D can increase anti-inflammatory effects, serving as effective supporting therapy for those with steroid resistant asthma.

Heart Health

Cardiovascular problems are the most significant cause of mortality in the United States. Vitamin D is one of many things that can improve overall cardiovascular health. The vitamin itself regulates blood pressure through its actions on smooth muscle cells. Deficiency has resulted in a higher incidence of cardiovascular disease as well as higher death rates for those with cardiovascular disease.

Thus, Vitamin D deficiency has been designated as a risk factor for a number of conditions such as stroke and heart attack as well as associated conditions including high blood pressure and diabetes. The function of the skin to convert cholesterol into Vitamin D also serves to maintain heart health.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, Vitamin D is critical for keeping our bodies safe and preventing a number of potential ailments. Since a large number of people find themselves struggling with Vitamin D deficiency, UVB sunlamps such as the Sperti Vitamin D Sunlamp can be effective for helping overcome deficiency and receive the various health benefits of adequate Vitamin D intake.
